Finanswatch and EY recognise Velliv as pension company of the year


In 2023, Velliv has once again been voted ‘pension company of the year’ by Finanswatch and EY.

EY and FinansWatch have highlighted in particular the strong results delivered by Velliv over the last five years with a return on equity significantly above average, solid returns at industry level and high growth as the primary reasons for voting Velliv ‘pension company of the year’.

This is the fifth time Velliv has been recognised as ‘pension company of the year’, and the fourth year in a row.

Morten Møller ved kåringen af Velliv til Årets kommercielle pensionsselskab 2023

More customers are choosing modern customer ownership

In response to the award, acting CEO Morten Møller says:
“I am proud that Velliv is continuing to deliver strong financial results. More and more customers are choosing to join our modern customer ownership, which involves returning our profits to our customers and supporting mental health initiatives. The results are due in no small part to the dedication of Velliv's employees, who work hard to help customers on a daily basis.”