DinKapital, your choice

It is your choice whether you want to add DinKapital or not.

If you choose DinKapital, 5 per cent of all contributions will go to DinKapital. This applies to regular contributions, single contributions and transfers from other pension schemes.

The scheme includes anyone who has their pension savings in VækstPension, LinkPension or HøjrentePension.

Benefits of DinKapital

  • Stable and attractive interest rate

    The interest rate of DinKapital is adjusted continuously to at least equal the interest rate level for similar secured loans. Since the launch of DinKapital in 2017, the interest rate has been around 4-5.5 per cent. You can see the current interest rate on this page.

  • Low risk

    When you make contributions to DinKapital, the risk is low. In Denmark, similar capital has never caused losses.

  • No investment costs

    APR of 0 per cent of this part of your savings.

Disadvantages of DinKapital:

  • Your savings in DinKapital are tied up

    The part of your savings invested in DinKapital can only be disbursed when you retire or if you transfer your savings away from Velliv. If you have opted for DinKapital, you cannot reverse any payments already made. If you notify us, you can stop making further contributions to DinKapital.

  • Your savings in DinKapital are subject to loss

    DinKapital provides security for your and other customers’ pension savings. DinKapital is part of Velliv’s basic capital as so-called ”subordinated capital”.

    This means that DinKapital must first cover any losses if both the collective bonus potential and Velliv's equity are lost. This has never happened in the company’s history of over 100 years.

Stable and attractive interest rate

Interest rate in 2024

The table below shows the applicable interest rates through the year. 

January February March April May June
4.50% 4.50% 5.00% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50%
July August September October November December
4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.00%    








5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 5.25%

The interest rate of DinKapital is adjusted continuously to at least equal the interest rate level for correspondingly secured loans. You can read more about how the interest rate is fixed here.

*The interest for 2023 is recalculated end 2023. See the monthly interest rate for 2023 here.

Attractive low-risk investment

Five per cent of your contributions for savings under VækstPension, LinkPension or HøjrentePension can be invested in DinKapital which offers an attractive and stable return at a low risk. DinKapital is included in Velliv’s capital base and therefore constitutes security for your and our other customers' savings.

High security
Technically speaking, DinKapital is included in Velliv's capital base as 'subordinated capital'. This means that before DinKapital is to cover any loss, Velliv must have lost the entire collective bonus potential, which has never happened. Moreover, Velliv must have lost its entire equity, which has never happened in the company's more than 100-year history, and it has never happened to a Danish life insurance company.


For DinKapital, APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for the investment management costs is always 0%.

However, you will pay direct costs for the management of your pension scheme.

Your total APR depends on your savings and how your scheme is put together.

You can see your total costs stated as Annual Costs in DKK and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in Netpension.


Insurance conditions

You can view the general insurance conditions for DinKapital here.

Insurance conditions for DinKapital (only in danish)

The purpose of this page is to give you an overview

The information on this webpage is general. Contact us for personal advice based on your individual situation