Market rate products - VækstPension Aktiv, Index and Aftryk – return and risk

You can find information for low risk, medium risk, high risk and guarantee and for four different investment horizons.

These pages provide return and risk information for VækstPension Aktiv, VækstPension Index and VækstPension Aftryk. You can find information for both low risk, medium risk, high risk and guarantee and for four different investment horizons: 30 years until retirement, 15 years until retirement, 5 years until retirement and 5 years after retirement.

For each product, we show the percentage annual return, the total accumulated return and the risk profile. The return has been calculated for annuity pension with annuities planned to be paid out over 15 years. The return has been calculated after investment management costs have been deducted.

The return and risk on these pages are comparable to those of other pension companies in accordance with the industry standard: "Henstilling om afkast- og risikoinformation for markedsrenteprodukter" (Recommendation on return and risk information for unit-linked products). To be able to compare return and risk, you just have to look for the industry standard on the pension companies' websites.

The recommendation also requires that the investment return (the return achieved on the investment assets) and the customer return (the return delivered to the customers) are shown. In Velliv, the customer return is the investment return achieved plus the bonus to the customer from Velliv Foreningen. The investment return also includes the interest on DinKapital.