Responsible investment and sustainability
In Velliv, we take responsibility for the world we live in. Responsible investment and social responsibility are themes that are very important to us and our customers. We have an ambitious agenda, and we continue to raise the bar for what we will and will not invest in. We are also determined to exercise active ownership of the companies we invest in. We believe that we can contribute to a more sustainable world based on international principles of social responsibility, and that high long-term returns can go hand in hand with respect for the environment and society. Scroll through these pages to read more about our work with responsible investment and active ownership.

Sustainability-related disclosures
Based on a new EU regulatory framework for sustainable finance, Velliv and other financial companies must now document and communicate how they work with sustainability. The set of rules from EU is going to help ensure the green transition of the European Union and set the frame for common definitions of sustainability with financial companies.

Our policy on responsible investment
It is the objective of Velliv to create the optimum return for you. At the same time, we want our customers to trust that we consider human rights, climate, environment, anti-corruption and bribery, as well as good corporate management when investing their savings. We believe that companies and investors who act responsibly have better prerequisites for creating good returns in the long run.
Read our Policy on Responsible Investment and Active Ownership

Active ownership
Active ownership means that we continuously keep a critical frame of mind when assessing what we invest in. Active ownership is also sometimes referred to as “engagement”, meaning various direct attempts to influence a company and amend its behaviour. In Velliv, we exercise active ownership by entering into dialogues with the companies we invest in or by formally voting at their annual general meeting. This is to give them feedback and make sure we are communicating the interests and expectations of our customers clearly to the company’s management.

Make a world of difference with your pension savings
Your savings are already responsibly invested, and with VækstPension Aftryk (Aftryk is a Danish word that can be translated as 'footprint'), you can now make an extra positive contribution to both society and the environment, which we believe is in line with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. VækstPension Aftryk mainly invests in ‘ESG best-in-class funds’, ‘ethical funds’, ‘sustainability funds’, green bonds’ and ‘impact funds’. In other words, funds in which the underlying assets are expected to have the best possible prerequisites for resulting in the most positive impact on society and environment.